Got Questions?!

No matter where I go – to a speaking engagement for a women’s club retreat, a coaching session for a management team, a visit to the assisted living residence where my brother lives – people ask me about coaching. “What is coaching for?” they ask. “What is life and leadership coaching?” “Why would I hire you?”

One of my top goals is to promote a better understanding of the life and leadership coaching field, to spread the word about the value it brings to people’s lives. What should they expect from the coaching process? What’s going to happen?

Here are some of the questions I’m typically asked. I hope my answers create an understanding of the role coaching can play in your life.

Here are some frequently asked questions that might help answer some of your questions. Just click on the question you are interested in and the answer will be displayed below the question.

If not, please contact me either by calling (713) 816-6998 or contact by email.


What’s the difference between therapy and coaching?

Answer: Therapy is about healing and looking at emotions, especially from the past. Coaching is about the present and moving forward with clarity and focus.

What is the coaching experience like?

Answer: The coaching experience is about seeing your hopes and dreams come to fruition. With Coach Darla, I can promise you will laugh. No matter what, I am by your side, even when things get uncomfortable as you approach the border, that murky place we all step into as we do something new in pursuit of an important goal.

Typically how long does a coaching relationship last?

Answer: Typically between six months and a year, depending upon the frequency of our sessions. Sometimes clients return after a period of time with new goals to achieve, or perhaps they feel the need to refresh the tools and skill sets they learned before.

What are the issues that people typically work on with a coach?

Answer: It’s all over the map. In some cases, clients say they are not happy in their careers, when in actuality their work relationships or their communication skills need development. In 2009, my clients’ top issues have been, “I want less stress, more time and more fun – in that order!”

Is a coach bound by a promise of confidentiality regarding information a client divulges?

Answer: Absolutely! What’s discussed between you and me stays between you, me and the flip chart.

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