My coaching relationships usually last between six months and a year, depending on the frequency of our sessions. If my client and I get together every week, we can accomplish our goals more quickly. But some of my clients like to take more time along the journey – some are just too busy to get together every week, others like to take a slower, more contemplative approach to the changes they are making in their lives.
The nature of my coaching sessions also varies, depending upon the client. I love to meet personally with my clients, and I’m unique in that I don’t limit my time to an arbitrary 50 or 60 minutes. I never cut someone off because we’ve gotten to the end of the hour. In most cases, the duration of my sessions is between 60 and 90 minutes. I conduct personal sessions in my studio, and also work with clients over the telephone.
My coaching process is defined by three succinct phases: The Beginning – Creating Your Vision; The Middle – Opening Your Heart; and The End – Living Life Passionately.
Here’s what to expect in our journey together:
The Beginning – Creating Your Vision
This is the co-creation of the coaching relationship, the phase during which we get to know one another and build trust. We commit to what we will expect from one another and on the process we’ll follow. Usually three to four sessions in length, clients discover their vision and learn the tools and implement the skill sets they will use for the rest of their lives.
The Middle – Open Your Heart
In this phase of the coaching relationship, clients set the goals and lay out the action steps that will help them achieve their vision. They are actually implementing the tools available to see the obstacles that hold them back. They are able to recognize patterns that no longer serve them and utilize new skill sets to move forward with clarity.
The End – Live Passionately
This is the empowered phase in which clients have achieved a complete understanding of their unique and authentic selves. They are armed with all the necessary tools and skill sets they need to move forward on their own journey. At this point, they often leave the coaching relationship to move ahead with flow and ease. What a joy this is for Coach Darla!
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