
Do you love your work?  Are your relationships energized and fulfilling?  Do you approach your life with energy, vitality and passion?

These are the questions Coach Darla explores with her clients as she guides them through the design and implementation of their unique personal and professional vision.  With compassion, insight and even a bit of humor, Coach Darla has helped clients:

  • Launch new businesses
  • Overcome situations in which they feel “stuck” or bored
  • Earn a living doing something they love
  • Develop deeper, more satisfying relationships
  • Grow closer to family and friends

Coach Darla integrates proven coaching processes, supporting her clients through individual in-person meetings, self-discovery workshops, group coaching, special events and telephone support.  Her areas of specialty include:

  • Life and Leadership Coaching
  • Vision, Energy and Action
  • Business Owners
  • Women Entrepreneurs
  • Women Team Leaders and Management Teams
  • Women in Transition

With Coach Darla as their trusted guide, clients search out and discover the passion that resides in their hearts – their personal vision.  Then, by setting goals and developing detailed action steps, they bring their vision to fruition.  Coach Darla neither judges nor analyzes her clients or the choices they’ve made.  Instead, using her expertise in behavioral and visionary coaching methodologies, she integrates proven techniques to guide them across the border from heart to mind so they can move forward into the future.

Coach Darla’s Methodologies

As an expert in behavioral and visionary coaching, Coach Darla enjoys strong, positive relationships with leaders in the national coaching community.  One such relationship is with Clarity International, a national coaching firm and creator of the Lights on Learning Method™, a proven interview process and personal energy assessment.

Through her use of this methodology, Coach Darla captures a digital image of her client prior to the start of a two-hour coaching session.  At its conclusion, she captures a second digital image, and with the client, assesses the differences in the photos.

Often, the changes in personal energy – the way the client thinks, feels, acts and attracts — are dramatic.  By discovering new possibilities, the client sees light instead of darkness and feels energized instead of drained.  The human face, especially through the eyes, reflects the inspiration that comes when “the lights go on”, when a client feels passion for what he or she really wants in life and develops a vision to go forward.

Coach Darla also employs the Authentic Self Model in her coaching practice, which is based on the study of ontology.  There are four branches of study that relate to the human experience: theology, the study of God; psychology, the study of the mind; cosmology, the study of the physical universe; and ontology, the study of the state of being.  Through the use of ontology, which explores who we really are, Coach Darla supports her clients’ understanding of their internal reality and how it shows up in their life, relationships and work.  She has been known to ask her clients if their outside matches their inside!

With her compassion and support, Coach Darla helps you explore the habitual, unconscious patterns that hold you back from achieving a happier, gratifying and more satisfying life, which translates into having more fun.  She creates a space where you can see your own answers.  This gives you the freedom to observe the person you pretend to be (e.g., cool, authoritative and strong), the person you’re afraid you really are (e.g., nervous, intimidated and weak) and to finally experience the relief of discovering your authentic self, the person you really are.

With a deep respect for people and the process of fundamental learning, Coach Darla supports her clients through genuine transformation as they embrace their personal vision and move forward, taking action with clarity, focus, ease and grace.

Classes and Workshops

Darla speaks to groups all over the country on a variety of topics and is happy to customize presentations to the needs and desires of your group.  For a list of her presentations, click on the Speaking menu tab.

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